My Second Home.

An individual’s workplace outlines his/her character. As said by Frank Ocean “work hard in silence, let your success be your voice” (Ocean, 2016). Personally, hard work can only be achieved by primarily having a definite workspace and mind set. Folks, who concentrate on their subject matter, achieve superlative results in comparison to those who don’t.

Regardless of the size or circumstances, the workspace environment is of paramount importance that one cannot simply work comfortably without personalizing their space. Even in the most congested space, one can perform well by a clean space area, adjust the lighting and air possible and most importantly adding an esthetically pleasing touch that reflects my personality. One of the best things one can do to decrease stress and inspire your creative caliber, is to put together a workspace that your feel comfortable with. “You are never too old to learn to clean your room” (Altman, 2011).

I personally love my father’s workspace. For him, the workspace was never a luxury but a necessity for creative productivity. Lots of air to breath, a consoling white, grey and neutral colors of the furniture and motivational posters that elevate the spirit. Enough space gaps between employees to express their freedom of thought. It can simply be called an unknown Google office simply due to its vibrant colors and retention rate of 96%.

Nevertheless, there can still be a few improvements that could directly help achieve higher productivity by adjusting the temperature, a great lighting, uncluttered cabling of computer cables and a comfortable seating posture. Once again to reinstate, unless, if the mind is not tuned towards achieving the objectives physically and mentally, success is never an option. Perfect mind set is the mileage.


Altman, L. (2011, September 15). How your Workspace affects how you feel Retrieved from

Ocean, F. (2016, October 2). A quote by Frank Ocean. Retrieved October 9, 2016, from

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